Ukrainian Research Institute of Refractories named after A.S.Berezhnoy, Public Joint-Stock Company
- Address:18 Gudanova str., c. Kharkiv, 61024, Ukraine
- Telephone:+38(057) 700-34-40, 707-38-53, 707-38-74, 714-29-45
Director - V. Martynenko
The Public Joint-Stock Company "The Ukrainian Research Institute of Refractories named after A.S.Berezhnoy" is the single institute in the manufacture technology and the service of refractories; it develops and produces experimental batches a uniqul competitive on the world market production the from the view point of the quality and the cost for linings of generating sets (with an operation temperature up to 2200 - 2400 C) for all branches of industry.
The institute works out and brings to a commercial level a complex of highquality and efficient alumosilica, corundum, zirconium, magnesia and silicon carbide refractory products; technical ceramics of corundum, zirconia, cordierite and silicon carbide compositions, ramming, castable and gunning mixes and mortars; heatinsulating lightweight and fibrous refractories.
The testing center for determining all properties of refractories has been organized at the institute; only one in the Ukraine technical committee on the standardisation of refractories; the institute is appointed as the body on the certification of refractories.
In 1991 for the purpose of the a work adapting to the market conditions and increasing an efficiency of scientific- technical activity the reorganization of the institute structure was carried out and as result of it the scientific part was amalgamated with the pilot - scale production.
According to its developments the institute produces a unique competitive on the world market refractory production which allows to work in the conditions of a complete self-supporting running and selffinancing. An availability of a material technical resources, sufficient equipment and gadgets, highqualified scientific potential allows to retain a stable finance-economical position, to increase the scale of scientific research activity and it in its turn allows to our institute to fulfill a high level of its functions as a leading institute in the industry of refractories. The post-graduate study attached to our institute runs in the preparation of highly qualified personnel. For all years of an institute existence more than 26 academicians and doctors of sciences as well as a large number of candidates of science worked fruitfully. Among them are: Berezhnoy A., academician of the academy of sciences of Ukraine, professor, doctor of technical sciences; Budnikov P., corresponding member of academy of sciences of USSR, academician of academy of sciences of Ukraine; professor, doctor of technical sciences Orlov E., Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, academician of academy of sciences of Ukraine, professor, doctor of technical sciences; Vishnevsky I., professor, doctor of technical sciences; Dieghtiaryova E., professor, doctor of techical sciences; Kainarsky I., professor, doctor of technical sciences; Karaulov A., doctor of technical sciences; Kariakin L., professor, doctor of mining mineral sciences; Kykolyev I., professor, doctor of technical sciences; Pitak N.. professor, doctor of technical sciences; Primachenko V., doctor of technical sciences; Frenkel A., professor, doctor of technical sciences; Martynenko V., candidate of technical sciences; Krivoruchko P., candidate of technical sciences; Babkina L., candidate of technical sciences and others.
Many researchers of our institute were awarded to high government gratuities for high scientific achievemets and an introduction of their results into the production.
The institute publishes every year a collection of scientific proceedings, carries out in the institute international scientific conferences, takes an active part in scientific conferences and exhibitions which are conducted in the Ukraine and countries of Independent States Commonwealth and foreign countries, goes on with publishing 60 -70 printed scientific papers every year and files 20 - 25 applications for inventions and takes out patents for them.
The Open Joint-Stock Company "The Ukrainian Research Institute of Refractories named after A.S.Berezhnoy" was not only capable to retain the volume of scientific - technical works but to increase them considerably. For the last 2002 the scope of scientific - technical works made up 10,5 millions of grivnia. Average monthly salary exceeds twice the salary level in the Ukraine and makes up 853,3 grivnia. The institute does not have debts to the budget and for energycarries and as to payment of wages.
A stable financial - economic position of the institute promotes a successfull realization of social - economic programs. The realization of the program measures in the first line consists in a full securing of the working personnel with a work and in a timely payment of wages.
Besides that the institute supports the rest home as well as the first aid post. The dining room where employees of our institute have their dinners is supported partially at the expense of the institute financial means.
The aid to the gardening association was ordanized as well as the material aid and aid for the medical treatment in the hospital were rendered. The charity aid is realized as well as loan bearings no interest are granted to the institute workers.
The most important tasks which should be solved by the institute collective are the competitiveness improvement, an expansion of its range of products and its marketing.
As a result of its activity the O.J.S.C." The Ukrainian Research Institute of Refractories named after A.S.Berezhnoy" is one of the best among institutes of the industrial policy ministry of the Ukraine.
The Public Joint-Stock Company "The Ukrainian Research Institute of Refractories named after A.S.Berezhnoy" is the single institute in the manufacture technology and the service of refractories; it develops and produces experimental batches a uniqul competitive on the world market production the from the view point of the quality and the cost for linings of generating sets (with an operation temperature up to 2200 - 2400 C) for all branches of industry.
The institute works out and brings to a commercial level a complex of highquality and efficient alumosilica, corundum, zirconium, magnesia and silicon carbide refractory products; technical ceramics of corundum, zirconia, cordierite and silicon carbide compositions, ramming, castable and gunning mixes and mortars; heatinsulating lightweight and fibrous refractories.
The testing center for determining all properties of refractories has been organized at the institute; only one in the Ukraine technical committee on the standardisation of refractories; the institute is appointed as the body on the certification of refractories.
In 1991 for the purpose of the a work adapting to the market conditions and increasing an efficiency of scientific- technical activity the reorganization of the institute structure was carried out and as result of it the scientific part was amalgamated with the pilot - scale production.
According to its developments the institute produces a unique competitive on the world market refractory production which allows to work in the conditions of a complete self-supporting running and selffinancing. An availability of a material technical resources, sufficient equipment and gadgets, highqualified scientific potential allows to retain a stable finance-economical position, to increase the scale of scientific research activity and it in its turn allows to our institute to fulfill a high level of its functions as a leading institute in the industry of refractories. The post-graduate study attached to our institute runs in the preparation of highly qualified personnel. For all years of an institute existence more than 26 academicians and doctors of sciences as well as a large number of candidates of science worked fruitfully. Among them are: Berezhnoy A., academician of the academy of sciences of Ukraine, professor, doctor of technical sciences; Budnikov P., corresponding member of academy of sciences of USSR, academician of academy of sciences of Ukraine; professor, doctor of technical sciences Orlov E., Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, academician of academy of sciences of Ukraine, professor, doctor of technical sciences; Vishnevsky I., professor, doctor of technical sciences; Dieghtiaryova E., professor, doctor of techical sciences; Kainarsky I., professor, doctor of technical sciences; Karaulov A., doctor of technical sciences; Kariakin L., professor, doctor of mining mineral sciences; Kykolyev I., professor, doctor of technical sciences; Pitak N.. professor, doctor of technical sciences; Primachenko V., doctor of technical sciences; Frenkel A., professor, doctor of technical sciences; Martynenko V., candidate of technical sciences; Krivoruchko P., candidate of technical sciences; Babkina L., candidate of technical sciences and others.
Many researchers of our institute were awarded to high government gratuities for high scientific achievemets and an introduction of their results into the production.
The institute publishes every year a collection of scientific proceedings, carries out in the institute international scientific conferences, takes an active part in scientific conferences and exhibitions which are conducted in the Ukraine and countries of Independent States Commonwealth and foreign countries, goes on with publishing 60 -70 printed scientific papers every year and files 20 - 25 applications for inventions and takes out patents for them.
The Open Joint-Stock Company "The Ukrainian Research Institute of Refractories named after A.S.Berezhnoy" was not only capable to retain the volume of scientific - technical works but to increase them considerably. For the last 2002 the scope of scientific - technical works made up 10,5 millions of grivnia. Average monthly salary exceeds twice the salary level in the Ukraine and makes up 853,3 grivnia. The institute does not have debts to the budget and for energycarries and as to payment of wages.
A stable financial - economic position of the institute promotes a successfull realization of social - economic programs. The realization of the program measures in the first line consists in a full securing of the working personnel with a work and in a timely payment of wages.
Besides that the institute supports the rest home as well as the first aid post. The dining room where employees of our institute have their dinners is supported partially at the expense of the institute financial means.
The aid to the gardening association was ordanized as well as the material aid and aid for the medical treatment in the hospital were rendered. The charity aid is realized as well as loan bearings no interest are granted to the institute workers.
The most important tasks which should be solved by the institute collective are the competitiveness improvement, an expansion of its range of products and its marketing.
As a result of its activity the O.J.S.C." The Ukrainian Research Institute of Refractories named after A.S.Berezhnoy" is one of the best among institutes of the industrial policy ministry of the Ukraine.
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