Magma, Foundry, Public Joint-Stock Company

  • Address:
    1 Korolevy str., c. Donetsk, 83042, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(062) 349-73-52
  • Web-site:   
Chairman of the Board - Svitlana Rumyantseva

"Magma" Foundry is the only producer of stone castings of magma basalt rock and acid-resistant powder in Ukraine.

Stone casting is a synthetic aluminum silicate crystalline material. Stone casting products have good mechanical, physical and chemical properties which allows to use them for protection of devices, erections and installations of the ore-mining, chemical, coal-mining, metallurgical and other branches of industry from abrasion replacing ferrous and nonferrous metals and other deficient materials.

The abrasion resistance of stone castings is 5-6 times higher than that of alloyed steels.

Advantages of stone casting: high resistance to acid and abrasive wear, durability, hygienic safety, ecological purity.

Areas of employment:
- ore-mining (lining of flow, spouts, hoppers, conveyor bottoms , coal slurry and tailing pipelines, settling basins);
- chemical (lining of settling basins, acid depositories, devices and erections subject to acid and alkaline wear);
- coal-mining (lining of flow, spouts, scraper conveyer bottoms, slurry pumping pipes);
- metallurgical (lining of flow, spouts);
- by-product-cocking (lining of flow, spouts, hoppers, settling basins, coke ramps);
- energy (production of spouts for ash and slag extraction, lining of flow, spouts, hoppers, walling-up of the lower part of smoke emission pipes);
- ceramic (production of bodies for grinding of raw materials, glaze, etc. in mills);
- municipal (lining of sewage collectors and erections subject to acid wear);
- agricultural (covering of floors in cattle farms)

Product range:
- lining plates of different types and sizes;
- grinding bodies;
- lining parts for hydraulic ash removal spouts;
- acid-resistant powder which serves as filler in the acid-resistant paste and is used in production of lining of stone casting or other acid-resistant materials. In its appearance the powder is a loose gray material which would not clot or bind with water.

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