Engineering Bureau Franke Company

Director - Ivan Patoka

Engineering Bureau Franke has been successfully working in the sphere of inspection services for more than 30 years. It was founded as independent company in 1973 in Germany.

In 2006 within the business enlargement strategy a decision to create an affiliated company Engineering Bureau Franke International (EBFI) was taken. Trends’ analysis of increasing demand for professional inspection services at the market of metal production all over the world has become the basement of that decision.

The main office of EBFI is located in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine – one of the largest metallurgical centres in Ukraine. EBFI has offices in Mariupol, Odessa, working offices in Dneprodzerzhinsk, Nikopol and Khartsizsk (Ukraine). As a result of broadening international activities of the Company representative offices in Moscow, Volzhsky and Taganrog (Russian Federation) and in Shanghai (China) were opened. It is planned to open offices in India and Kazakhstan.

The range of performed services is constantly widening and at present moment besides inspection of all kinds of metal products it includes: certification of enterprises, inspection of railway products, technical supervision, material testing, inspection of buildings and constructions, extent services.