BMZ Bud-Proekt, Limited Liability Company

Director General - Vladimir A. Kalugin
Acting director - Andrey L. Vorobiev

The building company BMZ Bud-Proekt, ltd. was found in April, 2006.

BMZ-Bud-Proekt, ltd. provides supply and mounting of concrete components, which are used for any kind of buildings of different purposes: administrative and common, farming, industrial, house building. Mini-plants and building workshops, storehouses and garages, compressor houses, canteens and hotels, schools, supermarkets, cottages, precast concrete frameworks up to 16 floors for house and office buildings.

All concrete components are heated and three-layered. BMZ are permanent concrete structuresand have no limits in operation life. The main advantage of our constructions is fast mounting ability. Highly qualified workers and specialists staff has a 25-years experience in different functioned buildings and constructions production, supply and mounting. If You decided to start builduing - address to us,and we will make all Your wishes true at the earliest possible date!

The company has its representative offices in the following regions of Ukraine:
1. Kharkiv, 61046, Marshala Ribalko st., 56, 1 этаж. Теl. - 38(057)7502199, fax +38(057)3923664 Email:;
2. Zaporozhie, 69095, Lenina av., 152В, оffice 313. Теl/fax - 38(0612)625262 Mobile number-8(067)6192775 Email:
3. Dnepropetrovsk, 49051, Kashtanovaya st., 4B, 2 floor. Теl/fax – 38(056)3744708 Mobile number– 8(067)5714658 Email:
4. Kyiv, 02140, Grishko st.,8, 1 floor., room 2 Теl/fax – 8(044)5752581 Mobile number-8(067)5791609, 8(067)3202928 Email:
5. Simferopol, 95001, Krilova st., 73 Теl/fax – 8(0562)505645 Mobile number– 8(067)6538713, 8(095)8081741 Email:
6. Donetsk, 83048, Titov avenue st., 15, Shakhter hotel, office №123. Теl/fax – 8(062)3110214 Mobile number– 8(050)5019018 Email:

Today BMZ Bud-Proekt starts building in the countries of CNI and EU. For detailed information address to the head office in Kharkiv.