Ukruglemash, Trade and Industrial Company

  • Address:
    97 Artema str., c. Donetsk, 83000, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(062) 381-43-00, 381-43-26, 381-43-43, 381-43-56
General director - Pavlenko Sergey Vitalyevich

The company was established in 2000.

Sphere of business:
- assistance in designing new competitive machines and equipment;
- search for new forms of cooperation with foreign companies
Commercial-and-industrial company, “Ukruglemash” is a leader of mining machinery market. “Ukruglemash” created the system of the engineering factories coordinated by Company.

“Ukruglemash” became the largest home machinery construction producer.

At present “Ukruglemash” includes: power roof supports, heading and coal-face machines, cars and electric locomotives, belt and flight conveyors, electric equipment (transformer substations and circuit-breakers), rotary excavators, lifting mechanisms and many others, need for mining.

“Ukruglemash” coordinates production and sales of 5 engineering plants ( Druzhkovsky, Gorlovsky and Novgorodsky engineering factories, Donetskgormach, Donetsky power works) and 2 russian engineering factories ( Kamensky and Shakhtynsky). Total volum of salable products exceeded 1,3 mlrd grvn.

Company's priorities: coal industry restoration in Ukraine, increase of labour productivity and safety level of miner labour. In world the mines are badly in need of worn-out equipment replacement to the up-to-date ones and of course, more safety. “Solving these problems “Ukruglemash” in cooperation with “Dongiprouglemach” institute has been developed and introduced more than forty kinds of new equipment; with that end of view “Ukruglemash” spent on over 40 mln grvn. The first prototypes of new machinery were represented on the exhibition “Coal / Mining 2002” (Donetsk).