Ecoproduct, Foodstuff Company

  • Address:
    1 Torhova str., c. Ivano-Frankivsk, 76019, Ukraine
  • Telephone:
    +38(0342) 55-62-61, 55-30-23
  • Web-site:   
Director - Serhiy Polishchuk

"Ecoproduct" Foodstuff Company was founded in September 1999 in Ivano-Frankivsk. The main sphere of business of the company is production of avious kinds of tea (of herbs, fruits, berries and phyto-tea). The products are represented under "Carpathian Tea" and "Ecoproduct".
and fruit-berry teas Raspberry, Bilberry, Black Currant, Apple-Mint, Multifruit, Forrest Berries, Hip, Wild Strawberry, Cherry, Peach, Strawberry.
The trade range is represented by 4 assortment lines:
- herbal: Balm, Mint, Camomile, Hypercium, Lime Tree, Ekhinatsea, Hibiscus, Nettle, Horse-tail, Calendula, Lavanda, Thyme, Coltsfoot, Violet, Fennel, Plantain, Bourtree, (packed in express bags),
- fruit and berries tea: "Raspberry", "Bilberry", "Black Currant", "Apple-Mint", "Multifruit", "Forest Berries", "Hip", "Wild Strawberry", "Cherry", "Peach", "Strawberry" (packed in express bags),
- fruit and berries tea: "Raspberry", "Wild Strawberry", "Hip", "Black Currant", "Multifruit", "Forest Berries" (packed in double-chamber express bags in envelopes),
- fruit and berries tea: "Raspberry", "Wild Strawberry", "Hip", "Black Currant", "Multifruit" , "Bilberry", "Strawberry" (weighed, 100 gr/bag), "Hibiscus" (50 gr).

Tea under "Ecoproduct" trade mark : "Nova Figura 1", "Nova Figura 2", "Nova Figura 3", "Nova Figura 4", "Nova Figura 5", "Grace", "Life Energy", "To Health" (packed in express bags).

The very nature and traditional recipes helped the company create a really high-quality natural product, which quality is confirmed by honorary diplomas awards, namely: Laureate of the National Contest of Product Quality "Top Standard", "The Best Ukrainian Trade Mark" national rating, the rating of the 100 top companies of Ukraine, 7-th National Quality Contest (at the regional level), the company is a nominant of "Golden Book of Ukrainian Elite" almanach, since January 3, 2002 it is a member Ukrainian Association for Quality

Company products are permanent participants of famous international and national exhibitions, took part in testing-contests: "World food Moscow-2000" (Moscow, Russian Federation), "Tea & Coffee" International Tea and Coffee Specialised Salon (Moscow), "Food & drinks-2000" (Kiev, Ukraine), "Food and Beverage House" (Odessa, Ukraine), "Alco+soft-2001" (Kiev), "World food Moscow-2001" (Moscow), "Food & drinks-2001" (Kiev), etc.

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